
Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Jornath: The Hamlis Valley (Part 1 of 3)

 .23 Months since the Fall of Usamilplatz. 

In the wake of the 334th Idrian Irregulars defeat at Wilset 542, an Orkish Warband under Big Mek Bazzgazer Deffzappa had moved into the smoldering remnants of the shattered Imperial Guard Regiments' Forward Operations Base and set about turning it into a not inconsiderable installation of their own. Immediate concerns by Imperial Northern Theatre commanders were of a rapid envelopment of extreme right flank units engaged in the Mechanicus-led effort to Liberate the major city of Usamilplatz. This however did not immediately develop, with the greenskins under Deffzappa seemingly contenting themselves with erecting an ever more imposing facade in the Hamlis Valley on the bones of W542.  

While Hamlis and the tertiary highway that ran through it sat very close to Imperial areas of operations in Saltzkhost with the 1st Usamiljain Fusiliers and the town of Korsnokrat and the primary axis of advance by Mechanicus pledge forces into Usamilplatz. It was deemed not worth the expenditure of resources at present to attempt a recapture movement into the valley, PDF forces supporting the 1st Usamiljain Fusiliers were struggling to achieve successes and hold the southeastern blocking position into Saltzkhost [LINK] and the advance into Usamilplatz had utterly ground to a halt against major alien resistance. Forces simply could not be spared for movement into Hamlis. 

The disruption caused by the seizure of W542 and the Hamlis should not be understated, however, resupply and reinforcement for Cohort units in the Usamilplatz offensive's right, now needed to follow the primary C14 highway northwest, and then cut through contested or in some places fully ork controlled zones to access them. The moment action became truly necessary however, was on the morning of the 12th of Meginward (Thyrissian Chronosect Adjusted Calendar TCAC) when a mixture of directed artillery and long-ranged laser weapons fire assailed Imperial forces in both Saltzkhost and in Korsnokrat, demonstrating a sophisticated level of coordination for the Orks but also opening up a real long-range strategic threat that 1AG at least had not yet encountered in the mountains. 

Given the nature of the threat, and the fact of their prior involvement at W542, the Sons of Medusa agreed to divert a strike team from their operations in the east of Kula Hive and aid in managing the foundling Orkoid artillery installation. 

This strike however, would not be successful, while many scores of Orkish warriors were slain under bolter and assault cannon fire, a brutal charge by Big Mek Bazzgazer Deffzappa and his Mega Armored retinue was enough to dissuade the Astartes from continuing further into the developing Orky Fort without additional brethren to avoid unnecessary losses.  While some of the alien's big guns were disabled, and many dozens of orks killed, the Sons of Medusa had merely bought the Imperial Guard and PDF time to prepare a larger effort to uproot the wretched scraphold and safeguard imperial operations.


This game was played in Early November of 2020, in 8th Edition. I apologize that I do not now (8.29.23) recall the exact specifics beyond its relevance to the wider narrative of Jornath. But my opponent was Chris, and If I recall we are playing 500 points

My Orkish Brutes under Bazzgazer Deffzappa

Chris' Proud Sons of Medusa



The Boyz, led by a Waaaghh banner swarm from their huts and pound down the dirt mountain paths to engage the beakies!

But the Emperor's fury cannot be denied and the Orks are massacred by Imperial ranged fire. 

following behind, the Big Mek (a warboss in this game) and his Meganobz slam into the Dreadnaught and Terminator Chaplain, tearing the cold metallic loadstone from Chris' battleline. 

With the Ork warlord and elite bodyguard in amongst their lines and only a Techmarine and intercessors to sway the results, the Asartes withdrew from the field, dragging their injured Chaplain, who no doubt was intoning many litanies of hatred for the Greenskins from the field. 

Thanks for Reading, and stay tuned as the situation in the Hamlis Valley develops! 

Your Favorite Madman

Sunday, August 27, 2023

Personal and Hobby Update


Well hello there, it's been almost two years since last I posted here. In that time I've been hard at work, both in a very literal sense professionally and in the much less important hobby sense.  Jornath and the wider Vahland sector have been very much progressing in the time I have been away from Skies of Flies, Ground of Rust.  

Many thousands of Orks, Guardsmen, and countless others have perished in the many ferocious battlefields of the 41st Millenium and in countless other settings. Perhaps the most exciting update in this period is the founding of Grey Mountain Gaming, which is a fledgling gaming club in the heart of North Carolina's Triad area focusing on narrative wargaming. I and the other members of GMG are old hats at this point in the hobby and looking to normalize the style of narrative gaming we have enjoyed within the wider hobby space, both in the traditional blog formats and in the video space. 

To digress from the hobby for a moment, in the past two years I have broken up with my long-time girlfriend, moved house, and been promoted twice in my career. I've learned quite a bit, about my personal values and about the direction that I want to move in as a professional. That being said, I think that for the forseeable future, I would like to use this space to encompass a variety of my interests and thoughts on a whole spectrum of topics not just specific to miniatures gaming. I hope that those of you who still visit this place will find that interesting. Ultimately, I've been writing here on Skies of Flies, Ground of Rust since I was in middle school, this blog has become for me a very real chronicling of my life and interests. I want to lean into that more, I hope you'll all enjoy things as they develop. 

Sons of Medusa purge alien's in the Orkish scrap cities East of Kula Hive

PDF and Guard forces on a desperate mission deep in the heart of the infested Ghostway District within Priver Wharf, capital of Edras' College.

Until next time, 

Your Favorite Madman,