Art by Matt Ostgard [1]
The Germain 86K Las-Lock is the weapon of choice for a great many of the Cohorts on Jornath. Like all las-lock's the weapons simplistic design emphasizes stopping power at the expense of rate of fire. The Germain 86k is favored amongst the fighting forces of Jornath for its low cost and its cheap long term maintenance relative to lascarbines and fully-fledged las-rifles. It has the benefit of being locally produced on Jornath by the Germain Sons Fabricatum Guild, which taken in combination with a las weapons advantage in ammunition conservation makes purchasing and maintaining the weapon over time significantly cheaper for Jornathii than even low-end auto weaponry.
The 86K uses an external moderate capacity battery pack which connects to the las-locks internal power cell via a steel threaded, type D power channeling wire sheathed in a rubber cover. It's downside is the length of time for the cell to create a kinetically viable charge, as well as the time consuming reload which can be as much as 30-45 seconds even for experienced users. Perhaps the most problematic issue with the 86K is wearing damage to the channeling wire and rubber cover at the connection point to the external battery pack which during use in the field can cause dangerous shorts in the weapons power cell, if dirt or debris finds its way into the channeling wire, or into the power cell the weapon could take significantly longer to charge between shots, it might short out or in rare cases the cell might suffer a catastrophic failure and catch fire.
Newer Germain Laslocks have since rectified this issue, such as the 93K, but the manufacturing workarounds needed to prevent the majority of these issues move these later las-locks into the price point of mid-range Lasrifles, and thus invalidating their use amongst many of the planets Cohorts. Realizing this, Germain has continued production of the 86K as their flagship military rifle, while rebranding all models following the 93K to their new "L" or Luxury collectors series, advertising them to the aristocracy, game hunters, and shipmasters the whole sector over to a great deal of success. The 428L, for example, is a particularly favored rifle for its immense spectrum of finishes, and accessories. For true Las-Lock enthusiasts, however, the 93K is a particular prize, as it predates the L series and never saw the mass production of previous models.

[1] Matt Ostgard Artstation -
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-Your Favorite Madman-