Saturday, October 21, 2023
Pride of Lions Playtesting: Hobgoblins of The Jade Flame
Sunday, September 17, 2023
Jornath: Map of the World.
Just a short one this afternoon, I wanted to show the full world map I have made for Jornath. I am going through and creating more specific regional maps to continue to detail the specific areas of combat operations on the world of Jornath.
In addition to regional maps, I have some infographics and force breakdowns planned once I have posted the third part of the Hamlis Valley fight, which will hopefully establish more clearly the total Ork and Imperial force dispositions of the mid-war period.
-Your Favorite Madman-
Saturday, September 16, 2023
Jornath: The Hamlis Valley (Part 2 of 3)
Sunday, September 3, 2023
Jornath: Saltzkhost Liberation.
With Ork warbands growing more powerful in the Hamlis Valley, and giving a great deal of resistance to Imperial forces in the Usamilplatz Offensive, there is more of an impetus than ever on PDF and Imperial Guard forces in the northern theatre to breakthrough. The following is a 'challange mission' a set of scenarios designed for a single player within our gaming club that is a historical refight of moments within that player's armies lore, these were designed in mid-9th edition 40k, and so the rules reflect that. Much of my narrative player rules and frameworks are still in the process of being updated to 10th edition. That being said, there would be little needed effort to take this mini-campaign and its attendant rewards and update them to the games current edition. I have opted to place this between Hamlis Valley Parts 1 and 2, as in the chronology of events in Jornath's Northern Theatre, the Liberation of Saltzkhost occurs between the events of those two parts.
This mission is intended to be played by Chris (most notable of Sippin' on Paint Water) and his 1st Usamiljan Fusiliers which you can read about here.
To access the original file for this mini-campaign go here
Lore Summary:
It is the fourth year of the Battle for Jornath shortly after the successful completion of Operation Gray Jewel freed Fortress Behras from encirclement by Ork warbands, your Cohort has been tasked to move along the coastal roads back into the north, taking advantage of the mass rout of aliens through the Ctre Valley to cut deeply into contested territory and shore up the flanks of a planned Mechanicus and Crater Cohort Offensive aiming for their pledge city of Usamilplatz. To that end your Cohort ,alongside the Idirian 334th and the 56th Lumberman's Guildmuster have been tasked with the recapture of Saltzkhost, that most important of cities to the cultural providence of the northern Jornathii. This news has had great impact on morale for the men, this plus the recent victories of the army in the field have the whole of the Cohort in good spirits despite the occasional roadside ambush by Gretchin along the coastal roads.
As the cohort continues deeper into the mountains, the rumbling echo of massed bombing runs and the rolling tank battles of other arms of the Imperial counter offensive resonate off the mountains. The force encounters its first resistance against a dug in Blood Axes warband with three stolen leman russ tanks outside the village of Devlo, which caused two dozen casualties within the Guildmuster and one of the Idirian Sentinels to be destroyed in the opening salvo. After breaking open that particular nut, the last sixty kilometers to the vicinity of Saltzkhost, were plagued with regular and persistent attacks by Ork outriders, ambushers, and the occasional air strike.
Finally after nearly a month, your formation has reached the outer limits of Saltzkhost, The Idirians move off to the northwest to secure the heights above the town, and the Guildmuster moves into the woods to the East, giving you the honor of securing the town. It is here that you and your officers develop the parameters of Operation Vengeful Deliverance to secure Saltzkhost. It is in the opening forays into the city by the Cohorts scouting elements, and the subsequent push to retrieve a downed sentinel pilot that you discover the presence of the Adepta Sororitas Order sworn to defend the Cathedral of St. Katherine is still active within Saltzkhost’s old quarter.
The Emerald Scream, that most devious of events in the history of the War for your world caused a great deal of havoc when it occurred, the majority of the Cohort was fully engaged in street to street fighting around the city, when the communications blackout took place. For the Fusiliers this meant a grinding halt to the Cohorts advance and that all units immediately dug in until such time as the communications came back online. You and your command staff spent the better part of two hours working to bring the vox back online before you resorted to runners. Slowly you reeled in the furthest afield assets and moved to condensing your aims while you figured out a clearer picture of what was occurring. It was not until nearly three days later that you discovered of the collapse of the Idirians and the brutal fighting the 56th Lumbermans had undergone which only barely contained a significant Ork breakthrough along your south, and even then Precpian Airborne had needed to be deployed in a desperate night drop, and units from the logistics column had gotten involved in the fighting. It is from a bedraggled Precpian Captain, that you learned of the scope of the event.
All across your lines the Orks have redoubled their attacks, laying into the push with a new found vigor that sorely tests your efforts. In some places Precpians, and regrouping Idirians join in the effort. A week on, and the situation has normalized to a point that you feel optimistic you can continue in your efforts to retake the city, with a focus on retaking the Cathedral.
Challenge Rules Summary:
This Scenario costs 10 Intelligence Points to play, these points are earned in Modules for completing special objectives and are pooled across a faction. Failure in this mission will give this scenario reward to the Dakka Boyz [Blood Axe Ork] Army. To see overall points available, consult the Intelligence Points Pool
This is a three part scenario, majority victory in these parts will earn victory in the scenario and will give you access to the associated reward listed below.
There are specific enemy forces to fight in this battle, their list is presented below before the mission.
You will get 500 Points each to build two armies to play this scenario, you may take 1 unit with the <Imperialis Veterans> keyword from the Charter of Heros for free in each list, any additional units from the charter will cost CP as normal.
You will select which of the two lists to use for one of the first two games, the other list will be used for the other game. The surviving models from both lists will be used in the final game with a small force of Sisters of Battle to supplement their strength.
Reward for Victory:
You may use this as a free Relic, available to any Character Unit in your army.
Shroud of St. Katherine |
Martyrs Example {Aura}: While a friendly [Jornath] Infantry unit is within 6” of this model that unit will receive +1 to its Attack statistic, and will not suffer the modifier for being below half strength when testing for retreating models. While a friendly [Imperial] model without the [Jornath] keyword is within 6” it will receive +1 Attack on turns it makes a Charge or Performs a Heroic Intervention. Sacred Relic: If the bearer of this relic is slain, place a marker on the point where this model was killed to represent this relic. This will become a new secondary objective for the Imperial player worth 5 VP if it can be moved to the Imperial Players board edge in their deployment zone. To pick up this relic, an imperial character or infantry unit must move to within 3”, if it does so it is in possession of the relic. If this unit is killed, the relic is lost and dropped again. If the relic is not recovered, the opponent gains 5VP instead. |
Scenario 1: The Tölen Cafe
Mission Briefing
The Tolen Cafe, was a major rallying point for the greenskins in Saltzkhost, being used as a battery for Ork emplaced guns, it took a major effort to dig the Orks out of the shelled ruin.
Mission Rules
Take the City: The Imperial player is the attacker.
Primary Objectives
Victory points are awarded for meeting victory conditions as follows:
Take and Hold (Progressive): At the end of each player’s Command Phase, the player whose turn it is scores 5 victory points for each of the following conditions they satisfy (for a maximum of 15 victory points)
They control one or more objective markers
They control two or more objective markers
The control more objective markers than their opponent controls
Silence the Guns: Scored at the end of the game on turn 5, each of the Ork Big Gunz is worth 3VP for the Orks if alive, and 3VP for the Imperials if destroyed.
Defenderz of Da Dakka Hut
+ Configuration +
Clan Kultur: Blood Axes
+ HQ +
Krang Zo’ Snikblasta
Big Mek w/ Kustom Force Field [5 PL, 85pts]: 6. Might is Right, Super Cybork Body, Warlord
+ Troops +
Boyz [5 PL, 95pts]
. Boss Nob: Big Choppa, Choppa
. 9x Ork Boy w/ Slugga & Choppa: 9x Choppa, 9x Slugga, 9x Stikkbombs
Gretchin [2 PL, 50pts]
. 10x Gretchin: 10x Grot Blaster
Scrappa Gubbin Krews [50pts]
.2x Scrappa Gubbin Kews with ‘eavy shootas
+ Elites +
Nobz [6 PL, 105pts]
. Boss Nob: Big Choppa, Choppa
. Nob: Big Choppa, Choppa
. Nob: Big Choppa, Choppa
. Nob: Big Choppa, Choppa
. Nob: Big Choppa, Choppa
+ Heavy Support +
Big Gunz [Legends] [3 PL, 69pts]
. Big Gun: Kannon
. Big Gun: Kannon
. Big Gun: Kannon
++ Total: [21 PL, 454pts] ++
The Tolen Hotel was known as “The Dakka Hut” by the Orks, its defense was coordinated by Krang Zo’ Snikblasta, and while the Orks within lacked in numbers they sported a large number of emplaced weapons dug into the ruins.
Scenario 2: The Sheyltov Housing Development
Mission Briefing
The Sheyltov Housing Development was the furthest northeastern extent of the city, which overlooked the primary highway facing the Orks holding to Saltzkhost’s north. This area became the focus of brutal attacks by Ork vehicle-mounted infantry.
Mission Rules
Hold the City: The Imperial player is the defender.
Primary Objectives
Victory points are awarded for meeting victory conditions as follows:
Take and Hold (Progressive): At the end of each player’s Command Phase, the player whose turn it is scores 5 victory points for each of the following conditions they satisfy (for a maximum of 15 victory points)
They control one or more objective markers
They control two or more objective markers
The control more objective markers than their opponent controls
Major Bludeye’s Armored Kore
+ Configuration +
Clan Kultur: Blood Axes
Detachment Command Cost
+ HQ +
Major Bludeye
Big Mek in Mega Armour [6 PL, 95pts]: 6. Might is Right, Da Krushin' Armour, Kustom Shoota, Tellyport Blasta, Warlord
+ Troops +
Boyz [5 PL, 90pts]
. Boss Nob: Choppa, Slugga
. 9x Ork Boy w/ Slugga & Choppa: 9x Choppa, 9x Slugga, 9x Stikkbombs
+ Fast Attack +
Warbuggies [Legends] [3 PL, 33pts]
. Warbuggy: Twin Big Shoota
+ Heavy Support +
Gunwagon [11 PL, 195pts]: Big Shoota, Da Booma, Killkannon
++ Total: [25 PL, 413pts] ++
One of many local Big Meks leading the rolling tide of scrap vehicles, Major Bludeye was a major coordinator of several pieces of Orkish armor that threatened the Imperial defense line
Scenario 3: The Cathedral of St. Katherine
Mission Briefing
The Cathedral of Saltzkhost became a rallying point for the 1st Usamiljen Fusiliers at the height of the fighting, it was here that they broke the back of the Orks holding the city, their battered platoons regrouping before the cathedral’s steps to hold back the alien invaders.
Mission Rules
Hold the City: The Imperial player is the defender.
Attrition: Imperial Player uses remaining forces after the previous two games, factoring in all loses. Characters will go to full wounds, Vehicles will gain 1 damage bracket from where they ended their game.
Defenders of the Shrine: Imperial player may add 250 points of Sisters of Battle to his army. This detachment of sisters has the Shroud of St. Katherine.
Primary Objectives
Victory points are awarded for meeting victory conditions as follows:
Survive (Progressive): The Imperial Player scores full primary VP in
Turn 1 if he has more than 500 points remaining,
Turn 2 if he has more than 500 points remaining
Turn 3 if he has more that 400 points remaining,
Turn 4 if he has more than 250 points remaining,
Turn 5 if he has more than 250 points remaining.
The Ork scores full VP in turns where these conditions are not true.
Da Dakka Guard
+ Configuration +
Clan Kultur: Blood Axes
Detachment Command Cost
+ HQ +
Kaptin Azrul Gutpulla
Warboss [5 PL, 105pts]: 6. Might is Right, Attack Squig, Da Killa Klaw, Kombi-rokkit, Power Klaw, Warlord
+ Troops +
Boyz [5 PL, 90pts]
. Boss Nob: Choppa, Slugga
. 9x Ork Boy w/ Slugga & Choppa: 9x Choppa, 9x Slugga, 9x Stikkbombs
Boyz [5 PL, 90pts]: Trukk Boyz
. Boss Nob: Choppa, Slugga
. 9x Ork Boy w/ Slugga & Choppa: 9x Choppa, 9x Slugga, 9x Stikkbombs
Gretchin [2 PL, 50pts]
. 10x Gretchin: 10x Grot Blaster
+ Elites +
Nobz [6 PL, 90pts]
. Boss Nob: Choppa, Slugga
. Nob: Choppa, Slugga
. Nob: Choppa, Slugga
. Nob: Choppa, Slugga
. Nob: Choppa, Slugga
Nobz [6 PL, 98pts]
. Boss Nob: Choppa, Power Klaw
. Nob: Choppa, Slugga
. Nob: Choppa, Slugga
. Nob: Choppa, Slugga
. Nob: Choppa, Slugga
+ Fast Attack +
Stormboyz [3 PL, 65pts]
. Boss Nob: Power Klaw
. 4x Stormboy: 4x Choppa, 4x Slugga, 4x Stikkbombs
Warbuggies [Legends] [3 PL, 33pts]
. Warbuggy: Twin Big Shoota
+ Heavy Support +
Big Gunz [Legends] [2 PL, 46pts]
. Big Gun: Kannon
. Big Gun: Kannon
Gunwagon [11 PL, 195pts]: Big Shoota, Da Booma, Killkannon
+ Dedicated Transport +
Trukk [4 PL, 70pts]
++ Total: [52 PL, 932pts] ++
Kaptin Gutpulla was the overall ork commander of the alien's Saltzkhost garrison, it was Gutpulla that ordered Bazgazer Deffzappa to lead a breakaway host of the Dakka Boyz Warband, north of the city, claiming the Hamlis Valley from the 334th Idirian at Wilset 542, and fortifying the area against repeat attacks by Imperial elites. Gutpulla was eager to prove his own merits to his “Feeld Marshul” by crushing the Fusilier's push into the heart of the city.
Campaign Battle Honors Rules Summary:
A single unit can be selected by the owning player at the end of a battle. That unit can roll for a Battle Honor within the Crusade Rules Charts for Weapon Enhancements, Battle Traits, and Psychic Fortitudes within the Corebook, their Codex, or any of the Crusade specific mission packs. The normal stipulations for unit type will still apply.
Once a unit has been given a Battle Honor, they are considered a “Veteran Unit” and are added to the “Charter of Heros”. This unit may be added to lists inside the same module where it earned its Battle Honor with no additional cost.
In games outside of the module where a unit earned its battle honor, you can pay CP equal to the number of Battle Honors a unit has to unlock the unit for use in your list.
A unit retains all of its Sub-Faction Keywords once it becomes a veteran unit, but also gains one of the following keywords in addition, depending on its overall faction.
<Imperialis Veterans>
<Hereticus Veterans>
<Dynastic Elite>
<Scions of Khaine>
<Aristocracy of Commorragh>
<Masterful Performers>
<Tendrils of the Hive Mind>
<Dead ‘Ard>
<Cadre Elite>
A Unit may not be given Battle Honors in consecutive games, without the approval of all other members of the campaign.
A unit can not be given more than 3 Battle Honors in total. If you choose to give a unit with 3 Battle Honors another Honor, the Squad’s Leader will become a Character, gaining wounds until they have 4. However, they will lose all other squad members, but will be able to access the Crusade Relics as other Character Models.